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Konica Minolta Support and Drivers Download page

Download Konica Minolta drivers, manuals, & utilities.

User Guides

You can now view most Konica Minolta manuals online in interactive HTML format that you can bookmark for future use. No more need to download a PDF. You can start here:

Manuals & Documentation Search


If you have one of these common models, just click on the links below:

C250i/C300i/C360i HTML Manual

C450i/C550i/C650i/C750i HTML Manual

C258/C308/C368/C458/C558/C658 HTML Manual

C224e/C284e/C364e/C454e/C554e HTML Manual

Printer Drivers

Windows and Mac drivers for your Konica Minolta device can be downloaded directly from Konica Minolta’s Self Help Product Support page. The slides to the right show the simple method for finding the correct driver for your device.


Self Help Product Support


Cheat Sheets 

You can download step-by-step cheat sheets below to help you through the downloading and installation process. The first page guides you through downloading the proper driver file. (Since you have a link above to the proper page just skip to step 4 on this side). The second page guides you through the installation process. The cheat sheets have screen shots to help you along, but if  you ever have any questions, we’re here to help!

Installing a Printer Driver (PC) for Konica Minolta 8 and 9 Series Devices

Installing a Printer Driver (PC) for Konica Minolta 4, 4e, and 7 Series Devices

Installing a Printer Driver (MAC) for Konica Minolta 8 and 9 Series Devices


Keep in mind, installing a printer on a Mac is always a 2 step process: step 1 is downloading and installing the driver files. Step 2 is adding the printer from the System Preferences panel and pointing it to the driver files you just installed. If you skip the first step the Mac OS will simply use the Generic PostScript Driver, which eliminates all the great features that come with your device.